Health Program Services

Health and Well-Being

Blair County Head Start collaborates with parents as partners in the health and well-being of their children and communicates with parents about their child’s health needs and development concerns.

Health Screenings

All children receive hearing, vision, height and weight screenings within the first 45 days of enrollment. Program staff assist in facilitating further diagnostic testing, evaluation, treatment, and follow-up plan, as appropriate, by a licensed or certified professional for each child with a health problem or developmental delay, such as elevated lead levels or abnormal hearing or vision results that may affect child’s development, learning, or behavior.

Physicals and Immunizations

All children enrolled in Head Start receive support in ensuring up-to-date physicals and immunizations for children as well as appropriate follow up treatment as needed.

Preventative Health Care

Program staff work closely with families to ensure parents understand the importance of preventative health care in an identified medical home.

Advisory Committee

A Health Services Advisory Committee that includes Head Start parents, professionals, and other volunteers from the community advises the program in planning, operation, and evaluation of health services provided to Head Start children and their families.

Oral Hygiene


Blair County Head Start provides nutrition services that are culturally and developmentally appropriate, meet the nutritional needs of and accommodate the feeding requirements of each child, including children with special dietary needs and children with disabilities. Nutritious meals, including breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided for children (meal type(s) dependent upon child’s classroom schedule). All menus meet Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) requirements.

  • The program works with a registered dietician and can make referrals for children or families with specific needs.
  • Head Start coordinates with food service providers to accommodate all child food allergies which are physician diagnosed.

Mental Health

Mental health consultants are available to provide observation and consultation to parents, children and staff to support mental health and social/emotional concerns. The consultant will assist with strategies to create physical and cultural environments that promote positive mental health and social and emotional functioning. Consultants are available for crisis counseling and other special circumstances.